by Chad Ostreicher | | Best Practices, Ransomware, Security, Tips
It may come as a surprise, but many law firms, especially in the Phoenix area, have little to no cybersecurity protection. This is not good if you’re a client of one of these firms because it could risk your sensitive information being compromised. Law firms are...
by Chad Ostreicher | | Best Practices, IT Services, Ransomware, Security, Tips
Cybersecurity is a hot topic, and it’s not hard to see why. The threat of cybercrime has grown exponentially in recent years, with hackers targeting everything from your bank account information to the passwords you use on websites. It can be challenging to keep...
by Chad Ostreicher | | Cloud Services, Hybrid Work, IT infrastructure, IT Services, Ransomware, Remote work, Security, Tips
Cyber security or cybersecurity has been around for a while, but it has only recently become a mainstream concern. Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting electronic information from unauthorized access or theft. This can include anything from personal data to...
by Chad Ostreicher | | Remote work, Security, Tips
Technology has changed dramatically since the early 1990s. We have many more options at our disposal today than we did back then, and we’re using them all the time. But there are still plenty of ways that technology can be exploited. And while we’ve made...
by Chad Ostreicher | | Best Practices, Cloud Services, IT infrastructure, IT Services, Security, Tips
IT issues can cause significant headaches for businesses. When you’re working hard to grow your company, it’s easy to overlook the need for reliable IT services. But when your network goes down, your employees can’t access important information, or...
by Chad Ostreicher | | Hybrid Work, IT infrastructure, Remote work, Security, Tips
Here’s the scenario, your team is working remotely (from home or another location) and you’ve got a project due in one week. You’re stuck on a particular task and need help with it. You can’t get in touch with your co-worker because they are...
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