In recent months the US has started to get the pandemic under control, but other parts of the world haven’t been so lucky. We work with companies not just in Arizona but worldwide, and we’d like to share some tips that might help answer some of their questions and yours.
Since the pandemic started, one thing remains certain: hybrid workers and hybrid work options have increased for companies. The downside to this is that some people rely heavily on their jobs at their workplaces, and they are suddenly thrown into their homes to work remotely. They’re sometimes wholly alone and in a setting where, although it seems that they’re dealing with 20 people at once, they’re still utterly alone in a room of their house. Therefore, it’s essential to make sure you can keep your hybrid workers engaged and happy just as you would if they were sitting in the office at their desks.
One thing is for sure, the pandemic and loneliness of many individuals who have had this drastic solitary change to their work habits has caused many problems – including psychological ones. We know you don’t want to think about this, but the above comment should be taken very seriously. Therefore, you can keep hybrid workers engaged in their work and keep all of your workers connected to achieve higher success rates. The six tips below will help you keep your hybrid workers happy so your business can thrive!
Table of Contents
1. Hybrid Workers Need the Right Tools for the Job

No matter where they are working, any employee needs the right tools. If they don’t have the right tools from the start, they are more likely to fail and disappoint the company.
When everything has been switched to remote or hybrid work, you need the right tools for everything from connectivity to security. More importantly, you also want your hybrid workers to have that ability. Try investing in company laptops or notebooks that are meant directly for work. An MSP can install security software on all your company’s devices to maintain data security and hand them out to your remote and hybrid workers (with a legal agreement that states they’re only for work, of course). And don’t forget that connectivity monitoring is a must, even with remote and hybrid work.
2. Communication is Everything

3cx, Zoom, Teams, and even Skype meetings are excellent ways to keep track of employees and their work, but you can also make sure they are doing okay.
Communicate with your employees as much as possible. Remember that just because they’re at home doesn’t mean that they’re not still a human resources director. When they’re working, treat them as you would at work. But communicate with them as much as possible on a personal level.
3. Allow Room for Sideline Communication (Small Talk)

Even though hybrid workers might not be in the office all the time, striking up a conversation in person or online is always welcome.
One thing is for sure when you’re on a conference call with your subordinates or co-workers, sometimes you want to get down to business because you’re pressed for time, but you shouldn’t. Your employees must still feel as comfortable and casual as they are at work. Therefore, you need to allow a little time to make small talk. You may even want to engage in small talk to be a better boss, especially if your employees find you a bit standoffish. This goes both ways, and everyone is still human behind their devices.
4. Use Video Conferencing, but Don’t Go Overboard

We live in an age that allows us to be more connected than ever before. It’s just a matter of setting up and using the right tools. Video conferencing is one of the greatest conveniences ever to be invented.
To go along with the above points, not only is there a wide array of security with voice conferencing, but there’s also the personable factor that makes working remotely more enjoyable – especially if it is a drastic change. This allows you to react to each other as if you are right in the same room as one another. Please note that anything and everything does not need to be a video conference. We still have email, and sometimes things are easier said and done through a note rather than a whole production. So keep that in mind before you call your next Zoom meeting.
5. Build and Maintain Trust As if They’re There

Since your hybrid workers won’t be in the office full time, you’ll need to develop a sense of trust with them because nobody wants to have to micromanage every move an employee makes.
Maintaining trust is a huge ordeal. Your hybrid workers don’t want to always be working at home. Most importantly, many people are stuck in their ways and feel (and know) that online work is terrifying. Not to mention full of security flaws if not done right – and they don’t want to be a part of this. Building trust is crucial to keep your hybrid employees wanting to still show up for work every day, even if it is from their home office.
6. Ask for Feedback and Ideas More Often

Asking for feedback gives the employees a voice and shows that you value their opinion. Remote and hybrid workers will be more engaged if you ask for feedback regularly.
This goes with all the other steps above, and the benefits are even greater. Don’t exclude your workers if they want to throw out ideas for things that may benefit the company, especially now. Turning them down makes you feel like a nobody, and rejection at home can cause more problems than simply at the workplace. Also, be sure to give them recognition when you implement something that an employee said in a conference or a direct email. This gives them the credit they deserve and a chance to receive praise from fellow workers as they get in the office.
Hybrid Workers Are People, Too.

Sometimes remote and hybrid workers aren’t in an ideal situation and may need leniency. You can check with your employee to see what their home life is like, and then you can better gauge if their work will be affected.
You need to treat your hybrid workers just as you would if they were in the office full-time. We know that it sounds crazy to some business managers, but you will have more success when you make someone feel like an intricate part of the team, even if they aren’t in the office.
You might also cut them a little slack, especially if they have children or aging parents living with them. This doesn’t mean that you have to be completely lenient or be taken advantage of but practice the proper etiquette that you need to to help them feel more like a person, and you might be surprised at what you get back.
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