Did you know that the number one priority for corporations is keeping their information secure? According to a recent survey from Forrester Research, it was found that companies are not putting enough focus on their network and the threat of a potential cybersecurity breach is greater than ever before. As a result, many businesses are looking for solutions to protect themselves against such an attack better. One such solution is using a self-paced autonomous AI endpoint security platform like SentinelOne.
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What is the SentinelOne AI Endpoint Security Platform?
A self-paced AI endpoint security solution automates the detection, identification, prioritization, and response to security threats across an entire enterprise. The SentinelOne AI endpoint security platform empowers the company to control its own networks and apply the right level of security controls. It also enables companies to rapidly gain access to the most appropriate solutions to the most complex threats and conduct routine maintenance and inspections on their networks. But what else can it do to help your business?
- The SentinelOne AI endpoint security platform can also automate the detection, identification, prioritization, and response to security threats across an enterprise. It can quickly identify suspicious activities, determine which ones are of high risk, and trigger appropriate actions based on the collected information. SentinelOne allows endpoints to connect to the company’s firewall and automatically filter out traffic based on its chosen settings.
- SentinelOne also creates rules for each workstation or desktop in the company’s network. Each user is assigned a unique firewall profile, which defines the rules they can and cannot execute. The system also creates rules for the application layer and includes a module that automatically updates the firewalls. This way, the firewall is always ready to handle new requests and block suspicious activities.
- The SentinelOne AI endpoint security platform also automates the scanning and installing of firewall policies. It lets the company choose the level of security it would like to apply to endpoints. For example, a higher security level will cause all network traffic to pass through a gateway, a minimum of twice per day. SentinelOne will also run a diagnostics test once per hour to determine whether your company’s firewall is configured properly. If it is not, it will immediately generate an error message.
- It also lets the company schedule regular maintenance and checkups for its endpoints. This way, it can detect and resolve issues before they can escalate and provide customers with an instant resolution. It also lets the company know if there are hardware problems with endpoints, causing downtime. If the issues are related to hardware, the company can quickly repair them and restore normal network operation. This will give its customers more time to prepare for next week’s schedule.
- The SentinelOne AI endpoint security platform performs automatic updates to the Remote Access Service that allows IT administrators a chance to diagnose issues in real-time. It will also perform automatic or manual updates to firewall rules, application servers, or web services whenever there is a new security vulnerability. It will notify the antivirus provider to update its definitions and fix any security issues. This will allow you to address and prevent any potential cyber bills in real time.
- With a variety of functions, the SentinelOne AI endpoint security platform can do a lot of things automatically for you. It saves a lot of time, especially when dealing with multiple networks. It can also help in managing the company’s security infrastructure. It can automatically build firewalls, perform anti-malware, and perform antivirus scans. It also allows you to make changes in the firewall settings and update them whenever required.
- SentinelOne detects intrusions and creates a signature. If an intruder is detected, it sends the intruder a message. It can also report back to the network administrator. It can also provide detailed logs of the activity to determine what caused the intrusion. This can be used as evidence in a court of law if need be.
- The SentinelOne AI endpoint security platform can also help prevent many problems such as DDoS, spamming, and even intrusion attacks. A specially designed PACS module (Content Protection Services) will filter out ads, phishing emails, spyware, Trojans, and other threats. When the network goes down, this service will kick in. This will ensure that all data is properly backed up. This service can also detect intrusions before they compromise the network.
There are other ways how to keep your business secure in the face of cyber bullies. One of them is through data backups. One should make sure that all documents are stored regularly. Companies should also be thinking about what information needs to be protected. Data should be regularly backed up and never lost or misplaced. Companies should also make sure that all personnel have updated anti-virus software and are trained to take the appropriate actions in the face of a cyberattack.
The Most Common Cybersecurity Risk to Businesses

Cybersecurity isn’t only important when keeping your business safe, you will also want to implement cybersecurity measures to keep your personal data safe as well.
It seems that the most common forms of computer hacking that are known today are not only done by foreign governments, but also by US government contractors and their friends in the IT industry. The most common form of a cybersecurity breach is a computer network attack that results in data theft or damage of a local, state, or federal agency’s information. But there are other serious cases such as data loss due to a virus or a human error. In this article, we’ll look at some of the most serious and common cyber attacks that have affected businesses and institutions and how they were discovered and stopped.

You never know when and where a cyber-attack might happen, but f the government had been using SentinelOne they may have been able to stop this attack before any damage was done.
In the Spring of 2014, a group of hackers broke into the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM). They gained access to millions of employees’ personal data and managed to obtain credit cards, background check records, employee benefits information, and other data. This hack has resulted in the embarrassing situation of the U.S. Senate asking for the resignation of the OPM’s director because of the cybersecurity breach.
The cyber-criminals behind this cybersecurity breach gained access to the Office of Personnel Management networks through an illegal act of hacking or, more precisely, spear phishing. Cybercriminals usually send spam emails to many people with the hidden attachment of a virus or spyware. When users open these emails, they are automatically infected with spyware or virus entering their computers and start spreading through the network. There are several other ways to spread malware or a virus to a network, but spear-phishing is considered the most common method used for data breaches.
What About Malware?

The SentinelOne AI endpoint security platform acts as an umbrella to shield you from malware attacks.
Another common method for data breaches is malware infections, such as the recent Windows injection attack against WordPress blogs. Hackers planted a fake WP download manager plugin within the WordPress blog to monitor all online activity. The attackers infected many other blogs as well. Most of the WordPress users who had installed the WP download manager plugin did not even know that it was not working while infecting other systems.
Another common cyber-attack is a targeted attack on an entity or government agency. Cybercriminals typically target businesses or government agencies instead of individual users. Targeted attacks cause a lot of loss to the entity and a lot of money. Cybercriminals usually operate these campaigns in conjunction with other high-level attacks to make them more profitable. They may infiltrate networks and transfer viruses, steal corporate information or hack financial institutions.
All in all, there are several most common risks to businesses running on the Internet. In fact, many of these risks are performed by people who do not even have a clear intention of harming the target. This means that a lot of the time, a victim is unaware that he has been infected with malware or a virus. Some of the most common forms of Internet threats include data breaches, hacking, and phishing. Keeping your network safe and secure using endpoint AI solutions is the easiest way for you to avoid a cybersecurity breach.
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